You should consider your roofing system as one of your most important investments, it is the system that protects the inside of your home. Many homeowners go through a lot of effort to maintain their roofing system so that their investment can last longer. One of the most selected roofing options among American homeowners are asphalt shingles and for good reason. Here’s why asphalt shingles offer great value for money.

Inherently Durable
Asphalt shingles are known to be lightweight materials. However, just because they’re lightweight, doesn’t mean that they’re brittle. In fact, quality asphalt shingles can easily handle the elements. You can rest easy knowing that your asphalt shingles can protect you from the elements and even impact.
Versatile Materials
Your local roofing contractor will tell you that asphalt shingles are versatile materials since they come in varying styles. You can fully control its color and texture, and choose from a myriad of profiles. This allows you to find the best roofing to complement your home’s architectural style, performance and safety.
Renaissance Roofing Inc. is your leading provider of roofing services, including roof leak repair. Give us a call at (541) 791-4886. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Salem, Albany and Eugene as well as the surrounding communities in Oregon. We pride ourselves in putting our customers close to heart by delivering excellent customer service, workmanship and roofing materials.